After waiting for two winter storms to pass, we finally got to hit the road. We left Georgia on Friday, March 6 and we headed to West Memphis, AR. We traveled through (sweet home) Alabama.

and made our way onto Hwy 78. Our first stop was the Mississippi welcome center.I hate I didn’t get anymore pictures because this welcome center looked like an old antebellum home. Inside was a sweet lady offering fresh coffee and warm fire was burning in the fireplace. (I wasn’t feeling very well and didn’t have the energy to climb back up the stairs with my camera to get pictures) After a little walk around with Max we loaded back up in the truck.
We made it through Tennessee
and across the bridge into Arkansas.

We made reservations at the Tom Sawyer RV Park in West Memphis on the Mississippi River.
As you can see, there was some snow on the ground, but we weren’t scared…..not yet!

Once you turn in past the sign, the road got a little rough but then past the gate it was smooth again. (Imagine if you will riding on a dirt road in your house and things bouncing all around…nice!)

No, I didn’t take pictures of the bumpy road. I was to busy holding on! We made it to the office, got checked in and a nice man took us to our site. Yikes.

Wow! That’s a big puddle! So this didn’t look fun! We decided very quickly that we didn’t want to swim around our camper and politely asked for a site that wasn’t necessarily under water. The sweet man moved us to dryer spot.

One of the funny things about camping is the little surprises that can arise. In this case, we get the water turned on, I get the slides out and I go in the bathroom and there is a puddle on the floor. (Sorry, no pics of this, to busy cleaning up the water before it damaged the floor). Can you guess what happened? Drumroll……we have a crack in our toilet. Hahahaha…..No pun intended! This can only mean one thing, no water to the camper tonight. Which is fine because God has us placed right next to a very warm and clean bathhouse. (See pic of Happy Camper, bathhouse is right behind him)

We decided after a long drive today and puddles in the bathroom it would be best to stay hooked up to the truck and eat dinner in. So we missed out on Memphis bbq but we did enjoyed our one night looking at the Mississippi river and dining on chicken salad sandwiches. Please enjoy our pictures of the Mighty, Strong Mississippi River!

We are planning on returning so we can go to Graceland and eat some bbq. I really liked this campground and would love to come back when there isn’t any snow on the ground. Next stop, Little Rock, Arkansas.